The ETS Sponsorship Program is a volunteer opportunity for both Veterans and civilians to become sponsors for our Veterans. With this program, sponsors work with our soon to be Veterans as they plan their exit and transition from the military to civilian life. To become a sponsor please click on the application link below to enroll. Once enrolled, each sponsor applicant will complete a multi-session training curriculum and must pass a certification exam provided by the VA (see below training information).

(Sponsor can be a Veteran or Civilian)
Click-ETS Sponsor Flyer
The ETS Sponsorship Program continues to expand to cities throughout the nation to assist transitioning service members on military installations by providing one-on-one relationships and resources similar to those experienced in the PCS sponsorship program. With support that eases them from one chapter of life to the next, transitioning servicemembers can continue to thrive and contribute to their new communities after military service. The program will seek to carve out a space for these service members to have a new sense of purpose while managing the transition stressors that can accumulate and lead to negative consequences. Mentors are called Sponsors for this program. For more information click on the flyer link above.
Open to Veterans and Civilians
Adhere to the ETS-SP policies and procedures
Commit to program participation of at least one year
Complete the screening and training process
Meet and establish a relationship with assigned service member
Communicate with the ETS-SP National or CIC
Training Time Committment- Sponsor candidates now have options!
The VA Certified sponsor training is conducted regularly each month. Depending on your schedule Sponsor Participants can take the training in a Cohort of three sessions or a one day Veteran Cultural Competency Training in order to obtain certification.
Cohort Training events are virtual and run approximately two hours long. Depending on an individual's schedule and when the training is offered, it may take a sponsor a month or two to complete the training and become certified.
Continuing Education - Throughout the sponsorship journey, sponsors will be offered continuing education to ensure that they are current on the latest developments and changes, and are best equipped to assist the service member/Veteran with whom they are matched. Professional development classes are one-hour virtual meetings that begin at 7:00 pm EST. They are offered quarterly on the third Tuesday of the month or as scheduled. ETS-SP sponsors are encouraged to participate.